New Heights is here as a resource for the whole New Heights Family. Please find resources listed by category on the tabs to the left. There are many resources available, we selected a few from each category because information overload can be overwhelming. As always, New Heights is here to help, please reach out directly with any specific questions.

Coping with COVID Video Series

New Heights presents:
Coping with COVID: Staying Mentally + Physically Ready
Refections of the new normal, life in quarantine:

Amir Powell, 14U Boys White, New Heights Class of 2024. Amir shares his new normal during the COVID quarantine and speaks openly about adjusting to social distancing and his basketball season being cancelled.

Olivia White, 13U Girls White, New Heights Class of 2025. Olivia shares her pros and cons list during the COVID quarantine. She reflects with gratitude on quality time spent with family and how much she misses the game of basketball.

Jayden Forsythe, 13U Boys Blue, New Heights Class of 2025. Jayden shares some ways he coping with COVID including staying fit and focusing on the future.

Grace Sundback, 16U Girls Team, New Heights Class of 2023. Grace shares her tips on staying fit during COVID, “No Gym, No Problem!”

We will also post resources and content on our social media platforms: @NewHeightsNYC