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Thank you to our corporate sponsors



Can't attend MADNESS'21 this year? We hope you'll consider making a donation instead. Every dollar helps!

Can't Attend? Make a Donation Instead!


***UPDATE: 3/28/21 We are currently sold out of VIP Lockers***
Thank you to all who sponsored MADNESS or purchased MVP tickets. VIP lockers will start to mail out on 3/29/21

All ticket holders will be placed in the raffle for a limited edition 1 of 1 Custom Cube Locker.
***UPDATE: 3/31/21 Congratulations to Raffle Winner Drew Braver***



Event SponsorshipS

thank you to our generous event sponsors

final 4 Sponsor

RBC Capital markets

elite 8 sponsors

Crescent Capital

patricof co

wallachbeth capital

sweet 16 sponsors

the dixon family

TAVROS Capital

tournament team sponsors

the nathan family

emily and james keenan

Stewart Title

List as of 3/30/21


Event sponsorship opportunities available
please contact Ashley Faison @