Career Assist Recognizes Damarcus Miller
NEW HEIGHTS ALUM: Damarcus Miller
HIGH SCHOOL: Stepinac High School GPA: 3.0
COLLEGE: Stony Brook University
STANDING: Freshman
SPORT: Football
BACK TO BUSINESS: Our New Heights alumnus, Damarcus Miller, continues to be an outstanding student-athlete by ending his first semester strong with a 3.25 GPA at Stony Brook University. Damarcus also got accepted to the College of Business at Stony Brook University and is now a Health Science major, minoring in Business Management. Demarcus is interested in becoming a Physician Assistant in the future and has a passion for helping others, which he cultivated through various community service efforts in high school, church and New Heights. Damarcus is highly skilled in both basketball and football but decided to pursue football in college. New Height’s is very proud of Damarcus and will be following and supporting his athletic, academic and professional career.